1. Time

When watching any series, whether it is anime or even on Netflix everyone knows you will need some time to watch it. A lot can happen in one episode so it is best that you have some time to kill before watching an episode. This way you can fully understand what is going on and don't feel like you are missing important things.
2. Snacks (If you're watching Dub)

Now, I say snacks while watching dubbed anime because those anime are voiced in English. You can eat and watch in English at the same time, but you it's almost impossible to watch it in Japanese. I say that because you are trying to eat, watch and read the subtitles all at the same time. I don't know about you but that is pretty hard to do.
3. A Proper Device to Watch

My favorite device to watch on is my laptop because the screen is big enough and I don't have to position my phone in certain places just to watch. You can also watch in different places with a good size screen but again your phone is always there. You can watch it on a TV screen if you are able to get the app to watch anime on it but not all TV's are smart TV's.